Article 15

1H-NMR urine metabolic profiling in type 1 diabetes mellitus

Stefan, Lorena Ivona; Nicolescu, Alina; Popa, Simona; Mota, Maria; Kovacs, Eugenia; Deleanu, Calin

Journal: Revue Roumaine de Chimie

Year: 2010

ISSN: 0035-3930


Diabetes; Urine; Metabolites; NMR spectroscopy

The metabolic profiling of urine for 19 Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients and 32 controls was obtained by H-1-NMR spectroscopy at 400 MHz. The classical diagnosis was performed in the Craiova Clinical Emergency hospital, based on classical quantitative and semiquantitative clinical tests. Apart from glucose, the results indicate significant differences for the averaged relative concentrations (mmol/mol creatinine) between the two groups for valine (Val), lactate (Lac), alaninc (Ala), gamma-aminobutirate (GABA), pyruvate (Pyr), citrate (Cit), and formate (For). Currently, these metabolites are not considered in routine clinical Diabetes screenings.

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