Article 19

Diagnosis of Type II Diabetes based on Non-glucose Regions of 1H NMR Spectra of Urine A metabonornic approach

Nicolescu, Alina; Dolenko, Brion; Bezabeh, Tedros; Stefan, Lorena-Ivona; Ciurtin, Coziana; Kovacs, Eugenia; Smith, Ian C. R.; Simionescu, Bogdan C.; Deleanu, Calin

Journal: Revista de Chimie

Year: 2011

ISSN: 0034-7752


NMR spectroscopy; Urinary metabolites; diabetes statistical classification chemometry

A NMR dataset with non-buffered urine samples consisting of 73 controls and 94 type II diabetes was subject to an in-house statistical classifier. A model was developed based on two glucose-free regions of the spectrum and those maximally discriminatory subregions selected most often by the algorithm were noted. The final classifier achieved 83.0% sensitivity and 83.6% specificity, with 83.2% overall accuracy. There were five spectral subregions selected by the algorithm as most relevant for discrimination. The protocol works well with non-buffered samples and has the potential for an automated clinical diagnosis of diabetes.

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