Article 22

Liposomes behavior in antibiotics and radiofrequency field environment

Maria-Minodora Iordache, Mihaela-Georgeta Moisescu, Eugenia Kovács, Tudor Savopol


Journal: Romanian Journal of Biophysics

Year: 2012

ISBN: 1220-515X

Liposomes, Gentamicin, Microwaves, Fluorescence, Generalized polarization, Phase transition

Liposomes are largely used today as drug carriers. Their behavior in various chemical and physical environments should be well known in view of a rational design of vesicles of appropriate formulations. We investigated the liposomal membrane behavior under different physical and chemical conditions such as exposure to antibiotics, radiofrequecy fields and thermal changes. Measuring the Generalized Polarization of laurdan-labeled liposomes in the presence of the charged aminoglycoside gentamicin, under exposure to 2.45 GHz and under cyclic variation of temperature, the phase transition behavior of the phospholipids was characterized.

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