Article 52

OpenDEP: An Open-Source Platform for Dielectrophoresis Spectra Acquisition and Analysis

Ioan Tivig, Mihaela Georgeta Moisescu, Tudor Savopol

Journal: ACS Omega

Year: 2023

dielectrophoresis, dielectric parameters, open-source, OpenDEP

Dielectrophoretic (DEP) cell separation, which utilizes electric fields to selectively manipulate and separate cells based on their electrical properties, has emerged as a cutting-edge label-free technique. DEP separation techniques rely on differences in the electrical and morphological properties of cells, which can be obtained by a thorough analysis of DEP spectra. This article presents a novel platform, named OpenDEP, for acquiring and processing DEP spectra of suspended cells. The platform consists of lab-on-a-chip and open-source software that enables the determination of DEP spectra and electric parameters. The performance of OpenDEP was validated by comparing the results obtained using this platform with the results obtained using a commercially available device, 3DEP from DEPtech. The lab-on-a-chip design features two indium tin oxide-coated slides with a specific geometry, forming a chamber where cells are exposed to an inhomogeneous alternating electric field with different frequencies, and microscopic images of cell distributions are acquired. A custom-built software written in the Python programing language was developed to convert the acquired images into DEP spectra, allowing for the estimation of membrane and cytoplasm conductivities and permittivities. The platform was validated using two cell lines, DC3F and NIH 3T3. The OpenDEP platform offers several advantages, including easy manufacturing, statistically robust computations due to large cell population analysis, and a closed environment for sterile work. Furthermore, continuous observation using any microscope allows for integration with other techniques.

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