Article 25

Membrane fluidity of blood platelets in myeloid neoplasms

Mihailescu, Mona; Miclea, Luminita C.; Pleava, Ana M.; Tarba, Nicolae; Scarlat, Eugen N; Negoita, Raluca D.; Moisescu, Mihaela G.; Savopol, Tudor

Journal: Romanian Journal of Biophysics

Year: 2013 

ISBN: 1220-515X

Membrane fluidity, Fluorescence anisotropy, Blood platelets, Myeloid neoplasm


A large variety of platelets dysfunctions have been described in myeloid neoplasm. In this study we evaluate the alterations in membrane fluidity of blood platelets in patients with various entities of myeloid malignancies. Membrane fluidity was assessed by fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Platelet membrane from acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndrome patients was found to be significantly more rigid compared with that of controls/normal, but it became more fluid if the disease progressed towards a more severe status. We consider that detection of these modifications may be useful for a better insight into cell abnormalities occurring in this pathology.

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