Our Publications Database

Article 20

ApoB100 functionalized liposomes for targeted delivery to malignant cells

I Roateşi, Tudor Savopol, Mihaela G. Moisescu, Eugenia Kovacs

Journal: Romanian Journal of Biophysics

Year: 2012

ISBN: 1220-515X

Liposome delivery, Active targeting, Functionalized liposomes, Apob100, Endocytosis

Liposomes can be modified and functionalized with different ligands to control their biological properties, such as longevity, targeting ability, and intracellular penetration, in a desired fashion (for example in photodynamic therapy). The aim of this study was to obtain functionalized liposomes with apolipoprotein ApoB100 ligand to achieve active intracellular targeted delivery via LDL-receptor, by naturally occurring endocytotic pathway. Human malignant melanoma A375 cells were used as model cells for in vitro evaluation of cellular endocytosis efficiency. The functionalized ApoB100-liposomes were incubated with cultured cells. Incubation periods of 2 and 4 hours were used to obtain ligand-receptor cellular endocytosis and fluorescence expression was evaluated. The functionalized liposomes displayed remarkably higher intracellular transfection efficiency comparatively to simple liposomal suspension. Liposomes functionalized with ApoB100 protein could function as excellent active targeting ligands and could be promising vectors for active targeted photosensitizer delivery in photodynamic therapy.

Article 19

Diagnosis of Type II Diabetes based on Non-glucose Regions of 1H NMR Spectra of Urine A metabonornic approach

Nicolescu, Alina; Dolenko, Brion; Bezabeh, Tedros; Stefan, Lorena-Ivona; Ciurtin, Coziana; Kovacs, Eugenia; Smith, Ian C. R.; Simionescu, Bogdan C.; Deleanu, Calin

Journal: Revista de Chimie

Year: 2011

ISSN: 0034-7752


NMR spectroscopy; Urinary metabolites; diabetes statistical classification chemometry

A NMR dataset with non-buffered urine samples consisting of 73 controls and 94 type II diabetes was subject to an in-house statistical classifier. A model was developed based on two glucose-free regions of the spectrum and those maximally discriminatory subregions selected most often by the algorithm were noted. The final classifier achieved 83.0% sensitivity and 83.6% specificity, with 83.2% overall accuracy. There were five spectral subregions selected by the algorithm as most relevant for discrimination. The protocol works well with non-buffered samples and has the potential for an automated clinical diagnosis of diabetes.

Article 18

Liposome micropatterning based on laser-induced forward transfer

Palla-Papavlu, Alexandra; Paraico, Iurie; Shaw-Stewart, James; Dincă, Valentina; Savopol, Tudor; Eugenia; Lippert, Thomas; Wokaun, Alexander; Dinescu, Maria

Journal: Applied physics a-materials science & processing

Year: 2011

Microarrays, Polymer, Biomolecules, Nanosecond, Parameters, Films

The numerous properties of liposomes, i.e., nontoxicity, biodegradability, and their ability to encapsulate different biological active substances in aqueous and lipid phase, make them perfect models of biomembranes. Liposomes made up of phospholipids may be used to study new applications such as cell targeting or, under specific experimental conditions, may be applied in micro and nano-sized biosensors.

This study demonstrates the capability of direct laser printing of liposomes in micron-scale patterns for the realization of biosensors or drug delivery systems.

The transfer experiments were carried out onto ordinary glass substrates, and optical microscopy images reveal that well-defined patterns without splashes can be obtained for a narrow range of laser transfer fluences using 193 nm irradiation and an intermediate triazene polymer. The triazene polymer with different thicknesses was used as sacrificial layer with the purpose of protecting the liposome solution from direct laser irradiation. It was found that the thickness of the sacrificial layer should exceed 150 nm to obtain clean, debris-free patterns. Moreover, the integrity of the liposomes after laser transfer was maintained as demonstrated through fluorescence microscopy. Raman spectroscopy data suggest that the chemical composition of the liposomes does not change for transfer fluences in the range of 40 to 60 mJ/cm(2).

Article 17

Liposome micropatterning based on laser-induced forward transfer

Palla-Papavlu, Alexandra; Paraico, Iurie; Shaw-Stewart, James; Dinca, Valentina; Savopol, Tudor; Kovacs, Eugenia; Lippert, Thomas; Wokaun, Alexander; Dinescu, Maria

Journal:Applied physics a-materials science & processing

Year: 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s00339-010-6114-1


Microarrays; Polymer; Biomolecules; Nanosecond; Parameters; Films

The numerous properties of liposomes, i.e., nontoxicity, biodegradability, and their ability to encapsulate different biological active substances in aqueous and lipid phase, make them perfect models of biomembranes. Liposomes made up of phospholipids may be used to study new applications such as cell targeting or, under specific experimental conditions, may be applied in micro and nano-sized biosensors.
This study demonstrates the capability of direct laser printing of liposomes in micron-scale patterns for the realization of biosensors or drug delivery systems.
The transfer experiments were carried out onto ordinary glass substrates, and optical microscopy images reveal that well-defined patterns without splashes can be obtained for a narrow range of laser transfer fluences using 193 nm irradiation and an intermediate triazene polymer. The triazene polymer with different thicknesses was used as sacrificial layer with the purpose of protecting the liposome solution from direct laser irradiation. It was found that the thickness of the sacrificial layer should exceed 150 nm to obtain clean, debris-free patterns. Moreover, the integrity of the liposomes after laser transfer was maintained as demonstrated through fluorescence microscopy. Raman spectroscopy data suggest that the chemical composition of the liposomes does not change for transfer fluences in the range of 40 to 60 mJ/cm(2).
Following these results, one can envision that liposome patterns obtained by LIFT can be ultimately applied for in vitro and in vivo studies.

Article 16

Dosimetry of an in vitro exposure system for fluorescence measurements during 2.45 GHz microwave exposure

Kenaan, Mohamad; Moisescu, Mihaela G.; Savopol, Tudor; Martin, Diana; Arnaud-Cormos, Delia; Leveque, Philippe

Journal: International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies

Year: 2011

Microwave exposure; FDTDG; Generalized polarization; Fluorescence measurements

An in vitro system for 2.45 GHz microwave (MW) exposure with real-time fluorescence measurements is proposed. This system is specifically designed for the measurement of those biophysical parameters of living cells or membrane models which can be quantified by spectrofluorometric methods (e. g. membrane generalized polarization (GP), membrane fluidity, membrane potential, etc.). The novelty of the system consists in the possibility to perform fluorescence measurements on the biological samples simultaneously with their exposure to MW. The MW applicator is an open ended coaxial antenna which is dipped into a cuvette. The distribution of electromagnetic field and specific absorption rate (SAR) in the cuvette are provided from a rigorous electromagnetic numerical analysis performed with a finite difference-time domain (FDTD) based tool. With this system, fluorescence measurements were used to calculate the membrane GP values of giant unilamellar vesicle suspensions that were acquired during exposure to a 1.2 W incident power. For this power, the SAR distribution and mean SAR value for the whole volume were calculated based on temperature measurements made at different positions inside the cuvette.


Article 10

The kinetics of cell adhesion to solid scaffolds: an experimental and theoretical approach

Doaga, I. Octavian.; Savopol, Tudor; Neagu, Monica ; Neagu, A ; Kovács, Eugenia

Journal: Journal of biological physics

Year: 2008

Cell seeding, Adsorption, Collagen scaffold, Fibroblasts, Tissue engineering, Optical density

The process of cell seeding oil biocompatible scaffolds has a major impact oil the morphological evolution of an engineered tissue because it involves all the key factors of tissue formation: cells, matrix, and their mutual interactions. In order to characterize the efficiency of cell seeding techniques, mainly static parameters are used such as cell density, cell distribution, and cell viability. Here, we present an experimental model that incorporates an optical density meter providing real-time information oil the cell seeding velocity, a relevant dynamic parameter of cell-matrix interaction. Our setup may be adapted to fit various Cell seeding protocols. A modified fluorimetric cuvette is used as bioreactor culture flask. The optical density of the magnetically stirred cell suspension is recorded by a digital optoelectronic device. We performed calibration experiments in order to prove that, in our experimental conditions, optical density depends linearly on the number of cells in the unit volume Of Suspension. Control studies showed that, during the time course of a typical experiment (up to 10 h), the cells (murine 3T3 fibroblasts) neither aggregated nor adhered significantly to the walls of the cuvette. Hence, our Setup yields the number of cells attached to the scaffold as a function of time. In order to analyze the experimental seeding curves, we built a kinetic model based on Langmuir’s adsorption theory, which was extended to include a preliminary step of integrin function recovery. We illustrate the proposed approach by two sets of experiments that involved trypsin-EDTA or only EDTA treatment (no trypsin) used to detach the cells from the culture flasks. The data indicate that in both cases cell-matrix adhesion has a sequential, two-step dynamics, but kinetic parameters and attachment site availability depend on the experimental protocol.

Article 8

Molecular basis of transmembrane signalling by sensory rhodopsin II-transducer complex

Gordeliy VI, Labahn J, Moukhametzianov R, Efremov R, Granzin J, Schlesinger R, Büldt G, Savopol T, Scheidig AJ, Klare JP, Engelhard M

Journal: Nature

Year: 2002

Structural-Changes, Serine Chemotaxis, Photocycle, Receptor, Protein, Diffraction, Resolution, Membrane, Insights, Domain

Microbial rhodopsins, which constitute a family of seven-helix membrane proteins with retinal as a prosthetic group, are distributed throughout the Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota(1-3). This family of photoactive proteins uses a common structural design for two distinct functions: light-driven ion transport and phototaxis. The sensors activate a signal transduction chain similar to that of the two-component system of eubacterial chemotaxis(4). The link between the photoreceptor and the following cytoplasmic signal cascade is formed by a transducer molecule that binds tightly and specifically 5 to its cognate receptor by means of two transmembrane helices (TM1 and TM2). It is thought that light excitation of sensory rhodopsin II from Natronobacterium pharaonis (SRII) in complex with its transducer (HtrII) induces an outward movement of its helix F (ref. 6), which in turn triggers a rotation of TM2 (ref. 7). It is unclear how this TM2 transition is converted into a cellular signal. Here we present the X-ray structure of the complex between N. pharaonis SRII and the receptor-binding domain of HtrII at 1.94 Angstrom resolution, which provides an atomic picture of the first signal transduction step. Our results provide evidence for a common mechanism for this process in phototaxis and chemotaxis.

Article 7

Cell membrane permeabilization of human erythrocytes by athermal 2450-MHz microwave radiation

Sajin, Gheorghe; Kovacs, Eugenia; Moraru-Pologea, Roxana; Savopol, Tudor; Sajin, Maria

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

Year: 2000

ISSN: 0018-9480 

Biological cells; Effects of electromagnetic radiations; Membrane

The effects of low-level microwaves (2.45 GHz) on the membrane of human erythrocytes were studied measuring the hemoglobin loss and osmotic resistance of erythrocytes exposed to different power densities (0.025-10.0 mW/cm(2)) at different irradiation times. A significant increase of the hemoglobin loss by exposed erythrocytes as well as a strong dependence of the rate of the increase of hemoglobin loss on the initial level of spontaneous hemolysis were observed, It was found that at low power densities (0.84 and 1.36 mW/cm(2)), the hemolysis degree increases quasi-linearily with the exposure time, while at higher density (5 mW/cm(2)), this tendency is reversed after first 10 h of irradiation, It appears like long-term irradiation exerts a protective effect against spontaneous hemolysis caused by blood ageing. The osmotic fragility test performed on samples exposed to 5 mW/cm2 at different irradiation times showed that the osmotic resistance of exposed erythrocytes increases in time, reaching a maximum at the end of irradiation (60 h), while the osmotic resistance of the controls is constant.

Article 6

Orientation of photoreceptor cells in static electric fields

Pologea-Moraru, R; Savopol, T; Kovacs, E 

Journal:Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics

Year: 1998

Computerized videomicroscopy; Photoreceptor rods orientation; Ouabaine; Dark current


It was shown earlier [E. Kovacs, T. Savopol, A. Dinu, The polar behavior of frog photoreceptors, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1273 (1995) 217-222] that intact photoreceptor rod outer segments (ROS) are permanent dipoles, their polarity being, very probably, related to the dark current which flows along the cell in dark-adapted, living specimens [R.D. Penn, W.A. Hagins, S. Yoshikami, Dark current and photocurrent in retinal rods, Biophys. J. 10 (1970) 380-412; J.L. Schnapf, Dependence of the single photon response on longitudinal position of absorbtion in toad rod outer segment, J. Physiol. 343 (1983) 147-158] The light induced change in the dark current (the ‘photocurrent’) is the electrophysiological response of the photoreceptor cell to the light stimulus, being large enough to account for the visual system’s ability to detect single photons in the rod outer segments [R.D. Penn, W.A. Hagins, Kinetics of the photocurrent of retinal rods, Biophys. J. 12 (1972) 1073-1094]. The dark current is maintained by cell metabolism and is present only in freshly isolated, dark-adapted, living cells. If the cell polarity is related to the charge accumulation due to the dark current, it must also depend on cell metabolism. In order to check if the observed cell polarity is dependent indeed on cell energy, the sensitivity of photoreceptor orientation ability to Na+/K+-ATP-ase inhibitor, ouabaine was tested. It was found that photoreceptor rods loose their electrical polarity in the presence of ouabaine. That means that cell polarity is dependent on functioning of the membrane ion pumps, which provide a continuous flow of the dark current along the cell. Computerized videomicroscopy catching of photoreceptor cells orientation patterns in static electric fields thus seems to be a possible test for structural and functional integrity of photoreceptor cells to be used before performing elaborated microelectrophysiological measurements. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.

Article 5

The polar behavior of frog photoreceptors

ChirieriKovacs, Eugenia ; Savopol, Tudor ; Dinu, A.

Journal: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes

Year: 1996

Rod outer segment; Photoreceptor cell; Electric field; Orientation

It was observed that the outer segments of the frog visual rods orient along the direction of an externally applied static electric field. The orientation ability of the rod outer segments seems to be fuelled by the cell energy. The dipolar moment per rod was determined using a model which considers rod outer segments as rigid dipoles interacting with the electric field in a viscous medium. The mean dipolar charge of ROS was determined as being (2.10 +/- 0.17) . 10(-14) C.

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